School Partnership Project


Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung (Mitteilung) trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.

Education Systems in Europe from nursery through to professional life

In this project we want to extend our knowledge of education systems in Europe and to compare them with one another. We are living together in one Europe and want to learn from one another, work together and get to know each other well. It is necessary to extend our knowledge of education systems in other countries, as here the requirements for working professionally in Europe are defined.

Six European schools from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece and Turkey with 280 pupils wish to implement this project. The students participating are between the ages of 12 and 15. From our school, mainly pupils from elementary and secondary school who have for the most part German as their mother tongue, will participate. Thus, they will be able to work well with pupils from partner schools from any school form as the language of the project is German and this advantage helps to build confidence in weaker pupils.

The activities are creating a project homepage, preparing presentations on our education systems from nursery through to professional life, we will cooperate on assignments, acquire knowledge on different school forms within our education systems, visit companies and universities. For our six learn, teaching and training activities all pupils will prepare a short profile to introduce themselves. All schools work on all topics beginning with presentations on work in nursery followed by primary, orientation, secondary I and II, vocational with apprenticeship and universities.

Anticipated results: Pupils and teachers acquire knowledge about good practices in our education systems, learn about education systems in partner countries, develop digital competence, develop social competence, improve foreign language skills, broaden interest in Europe and other cultures, make new contacts in Europe. We want to prepare our pupils for living and working in a Europe which is aware of its global responsibility. This European dimension defines our project and our schools.
